For over four decades, CCANS has stood as a cornerstone of support, education, and advocacy for members. Our diverse membership includes organizations from both the Department of Community Services and the Department of Seniors and Long-term Care. Operating at arm’s length from the government, we champion our members’ interests by recognizing their successes in care and bringing a collective voice to address the challenges they face.

Join us today and unlock a wealth of benefits for your organization:

  1. Free Education and Training: Access valuable resources and training opportunities for your employees at no cost.
  2. Registered Pension Plans: Secure your employees’ futures with our registered pension plans.
  3. Insurance Discounts: Enjoy exclusive discounts on home and auto insurance, as well as various products and services through CCANS Partners.
  4. Professional Development: Expand your skills and network through professional development opportunities offered at our annual conferences.
  5. AGM Participation: Attend our Annual General Meeting and contribute to the direction of CCANS.
  6. Social Media Exposure: Spotlight your organization with a feature story on our Facebook page, reaching a wider audience.


CCANS offers four different membership categories:

Full Member

  • An individual incorporated service provider or stakeholder, licensed and budgeted by the Department of Senior’s & Long Term Care, or Department of Community Services.
  • Full members have the right to vote, or hold a Board position, if elected, via their authorized representative.

Associate Member

  • A non-profit organization or individual hoping to enhance the mandate of the Association, but which are not stakeholders licensed and budgeted by the Department of Seniors & Long Term Care, or Department of Community Services.
  • Associate Members do not have the right to vote or hold a Board position.

Corporate Member

  • Companies with a vested interest in the activities of CCANS the Association, and who provide, or are looking to provide products and services to the Association’s Members.
  • Corporate members do not have the right to vote or hold a Board position.

    Honorary Member

    • An individual who has been awarded honorary membership by the Board of Directors for having rendered meritorious service to the Association or the community.
    • An honorary member shall pay no membership dues.
    • An honorary member is eligible to attend meetings of the Association, speak at such meetings and serve on committees in an advisory capacity.
    • An honorary member is not entitled to introduce motions or vote in the affairs of the Association or hold office on the Board of the Association.

    Membership in CCANS is $365/year.

    Have questions?

    For more information contact our Membership Coordinator at 902-446-3140 or

    2024-2025 Application Form

    Please complete a separate form for each individual home you wish to have a membership for, rather than using one form for parent organizations.

      Organization Information

      What CCANS membership category are you applying for?

      Type of Organization

      Union Status?


      Are you licensed or funded by:



      Services Provided

      Please list the total number of care recipients in each category:




      You can join the Continuing Care Association of Nova Scotia or renew your CCANS Membership at any point in the calendar year. However, please note that General Membership follows an annual cycle fixed from April 1 to March 31. Please be aware that if dues are not paid by the time the AGM/conference is held, voting rights and free conference registration privileges will not be available. Payment must be made during our fiscal year to receive these privileges.

      Membership in CCANS is $365/year.

      Preferred payment method:

      To pay dues by mail, send a cheque (payable to “Continuing Care Association of Nova Scotia”) along with your organization name, mailing address, email address, and phone number to 38A Withrod Dr. Halifax, NS, B3N 1B1

      To pay dues by e-transfer, send amount to


      Note: As a valued member, you will receive our newsletter, which includes regular updates, promotions, and important announcements related to our organization.